Monday, November 24, 2014

Life with Cate

Today is the five month mark for us adding Cate to our family. Our lives have been changed forever, John David and Wyatt have been changed forever. We are closer as a family unit and Cate gives the boys a glimpse of what life was like when they were little. Wyatt has dubbed her "Sissy La La" and often she is referred to as "La" by us and a few friends. We are a family of five. To add a child to the mix through adoption is a gift from God that reinforces my belief of God's presence in our lives. She is our daughter, sister and it is as if she has been here all along. This year on November 9th we  celebrated the first National Adoption Day in history. It was a great reminder to stop and reflect how many people we know who's lives have been touched by adoption. Our friend Tom Miller, Karen and Dale Miler, the Greenberg family, sweet Marla, Val and Justin with their little girls Helena and Maren, the O'Keefe's, David, Robin, Mitzie, John, my father, my boys, Colleen,  my cousins, my neighbor Tami, The Stephens family, the Adams' clan, two of my coworkers. We even know a families with 10, and Utah family with fourteen children. It seems the list goes on and on to remind us that every child deserves a family. Every single child that spends nights alone, cutting their teeth alone, spends time alone in the hospital for days after surgery. Every child who simulates human touch by their own hands. The children who rock themselves to sleep, the children who can not maintain eye contact. The adoption world is full of people who for whatever reason have stopped an noticed the urgent need that orphanages are full and, not all children get a family. Many age out at the age of fourteen. I admire the advocates in the adoption community for their tireless work to find children homes.  It doesn't matter how they ended up alone what matters is these innocent children do not deserve to be alone. Every child deserves to know love, deserves to be touched, every child needs to have a family. I wish the governing bodies that preside over adoption regulations and guidelines would notice that families come in all shapes and sizes, eyes wide open to different lifestyles.  My world is a better place because of all of the people who have touched my life through adoption. Thank you everyone for taking that blind leap of faith and bringing adoption into your lives. Thank you, John and Mitzie because without you and your courage, chances are I would not know my husband. I also want to thank my strong, stable endearing husband David for grabbing my hand and taking the leap with me, following our hearts. I know you will always be there to catch me if I fall.

I am not trying to paint a Norman Rockwell picture of our lives. It's not all perfect and wonderful every day. Having a two year old in the house is work, chaos and a full time job. No one here is complaining though, because the joy Cate brings to the table far outweighs the day to day tasks of caring for her.  Cate is by far the strongest (physically) of all my children at age 2. We see the wheels turning every time she conquers a new task.

She is a gift from from God and came from so far away. John David and Wyatt absolutely adore her and to see them insert, repeat, reinvent their childhood and share it while  they play and grow up  with Cate, is a constant reminder that as a family we are spiritually full and blessed. As a wife and mother I am honored and feel the presence of all that is good in my life everyday. The course of our lives has forever been altered by adoption and digging so deep to find the courage to take the leap and give a child a home. It almost doesn't feel right to say "a child "because I was asked by a dear friend of ours the other day (Gerry Carvalho)  "how long did it take you to fall in love when you met Catherine" I said about 10 seconds. He replied 'exactly and that is what God intended when he placed this child in front of you and David. Gerry is a person who can touch your heart in about two seconds and guide you spiritually with a single conversation.

So as the holidays approach and everyone is about to get really busy, please remember that November is National Adoption Month, reach out to someone you know who is adopted, thank a couple who gave a child a loving home, remember we are all God's children. With love and gratitude to John and Mitzie, I say 'thank you". You have raised a parentless child into a kind and loving, husband, father, a man of faith. Mitzie, you are a wonderful mother, friend,mother in-law, grandmother and my appreciation and love for you is endless.

National Adoption Day
Wyatt and Cate playing around (notice fridge door is wide open)

First shots, she only needed three to get caught up from Chinese standards

First winter vest - gift from the Miller's

Everyday dress for little girls in China

True joy

Sitting on a fire truck - she is fascinated by trucks and buses
Cate learning to love her bunny, Rosie

Cate trying on skis with big brother - John David
Tom Miller paying tribute to his mother and father on National Adoption Day.

John David's ski equipment