Sunday, June 29, 2014

First Day Home for little Cate

John David graduated from the 8th grade exactly a month ago and while planning his class dance I knew life was about to pick up speed, but I had no idea how things would be. There is immeasurable anxiety in the unknowns in in one's life, and I am so glad my partner, husband, best buddy of over 20 years was in agreement with me. Crazy as it sounds we decided to plan for nothing, other than we were pretty darn sure we had a toddler coming home. We both felt it would put undue pressure for her to fit in this box we had already started to create, something that existed before we even met her. To both of us it did not seem to honor her or to find the grace in our journey.  It felt so right, there just was not another way for us to us as team to welcome her,  and that was all that mattered. No preconceived notions of anything. Today some plans started cat doors are being placed so she does not have access to the basement, and we will need a little baby proofing in the kitchen so the Windex doesn't get mistaken for fun blue juice. She has an interest in the onion basket particularly the  sweet Vidallia onion and little shallots  (Vidalah as I like to say, but that a long standing T and David story not worth repeating here) so those will be moved or she will lose interest. I couldn't be happier that we did it this way, she does not have a room to call her own and we don't know yet where we will be placing her when the time comes. Right now she is in a crib in our room and sleeps through our talking, lights and other night sounds. She is a sleeper through and through. We guess that has something to do with living in one room your entire life, she sleeps like a champ.  We had one day with her in China where things were busy and it was just too late for a nap. Cate did not think so, she found a way and managed to crawl onto a king size bed and put herself to sleep while we were busy getting packed. Not a peep, not a sound, just a taking a nap while the crazy people put stuff in suitcases, that how we found her.

We have started this morning to call her Cate or Catherine fully from this point forward. she will slowly learn to react  to her new name and eventually form an attachment to it. No one in our family  regularly says her Chinese name correctly anyway, especially me, as Wyatt pointed out numerous times.  Wyatt being Wyatt came up with the new plan at an informal family meeting, after being home just one night.  Her American full name is a mouthful so she will have many variations to chose from.... Catherine ZiXuan Marie Mohr. A very long and beautiful name with every part pointing to something dear to our hearts.

There are pics from home coming to post and pics from todays wake up present party on the bed at 2 p.m. but hey who's watching the clock ?  I can only find the camera with pics from tonight so please forgive me that things will be out of order.

Cate got to meet her "Aunt" Colleen M. Kinsella. Unplanned, on the fly because Coll is headed to Hawaii at 10 a.m. but still she came by to see the little wee one. Usually Coll comes in  (she comes in often) with the boys doing their own thing, and stops to make a wager or chats sport with Wyatt for a few minutes. Wyatt has been missing his time with Colleen and tonight he pulled out a jersey to wear for her tha  he got in China, I guess his team won, honestly I can't keep track of what they are up to.  John David says hi and sometimes there is dinner, drinks or a walk somewhere, but tonight it was all about Cate. The settling up of past wagers came later, I think Coll lost.  Colleen got a big hello from Cate, we have been sending family photos albums and Colleen picture was included, so there was some recognition there I am sure. Colleen will be Cate's God Mother, tomorrow we will ask a very dear friend to be her God Father... hopefully he says yes. I am honored to have such a long standing friend in Colleen to  be a part of our lives as we have proceeded through this journey. She has always been there for me since the boys were little, so it's a lovely feeling to know she will be right by my side as Cate integrates into our family.

I have included a sweet pic of Cate from our last night in the hotel, we were busy packing and she was busy finding fun stuff.... also pics of David with her while we teach her to trust. Being outside for her was a big step and she did a great job. We can see when she is stressed, we push just a little and if she is willing we get the biggest giggles and wiggles of joy when she jumps a hurdle. Her victory dances beat any NFL player I have yet to see. She is doing a little victory dance in the last pic with David.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Home Sweet Home

We are home and so much to post where do I begin?   We landed in SFO around noon  and hurried over to OAK to catch a flight, no go, overbooked. Since we seldom actually purchase tickets we are complete rookies and only booked Hong Kong to San Francisco, so we had to non rev it home. Thanks to Tom, Coll and the wonderful people at Delta we made it on a 6 p.m out of Oakland. The entire Delta crew was amazing and did their best to get all 5 of the extremely tired Mohr family on a  full flight. The inflight were very gracious and excited share in our journey to add a one  Mohr to our family. The earlier break between allowed for a quick visit with John and Mitzie (GMA and GPA) so ZiXuan was able to spend a couple hours with them and ride in a car seat for the first time.

We came to the airport with friends waiting at the bottom of the escalator. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who made the effort, so great to see all of you. Tom met us with station wagon and car seat, he is able to speak to ZiXuan a bit so that makes her light up and reach out to hold him. We were amazed at the outpouring of love and thoughtfulness.  Kirsten Macintyre  delivered a beautiful hand crafted high chair, monogrammed with the letter "M". We were met by people we know and love from our local Utah / Chinese adoption community. Again, I use the word community in our blog. Zi Xuan definitely feels it she was truly her little charming self tonight around the residents of D Street. Coll and Tami you were missed and we hope to see you soon.

Everyone took separate cars from the airport, and waited for me to arrive and take ZiXuan into her new home, she did not miss a beat. Gifts, flowers, supplies and lots of love from everyone, we even have a custom "Welcome Home Catherine Xuan Mohr" banner plastered outside. The love and joy are truly genuine and I go to bed tonight wrapped up in that feeling. The feeling that she will be loved, she has a community, and it seems as though she has been patiently waiting for this day to arrive. Tonight she danced, handed out free hugs and showed some of her darling personality. A warm bottle, new jams  and a beautiful crib, she is sleeping away.

Thanks to everyone for making our homecoming so special. We are truly blessed to have each and everyone of you in our lives.

Pics to come... tomorrow

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Long Fast Week of Firsts

It is 4 am here in Guangzhou, the calm before the travel storm.  In 2 hours we leave by van for Hong Kong and then begin our flight home.

It has been a long but very busy week with medical appointments, shopping, consulate appointments, fake market shopping, sightseeing, swimming and lots more.

It has been a a week of many firsts for our little girl...too many to list and it will be more fun to share in person with everyone when we get home.  Here's just a few:

First trip to the Pearl Market to get matching pearls for Mom and Zixuan...

First trip to the underground rain-soaked jade market for her wedding bangle...

First nap in the pouring rain in Dad's arms after the shopping gets old...

First afternoon rest with Playskool iPad Mandarin apps with brother...

First dinner at a Mexican restaurant with her little friend Josie....

First medical June...with Christmas decorations in the international travel clinic of the consulate...

First post medical appointment Tiramisu with Dad...

First trip through the Guangzhou Train Station on the way to "Fake Town" for wholesale and knock off shopping.

Second recovery ice cream after a long swampy afternoon/evening in Fake Town.

First swim with Dad...

and her brother the frogman...

First Chicken McNugget party...

First attempt at a group photo for the 12 kids in our adoption group...

First photo op at the Shamian Island sculpture garden...

Last bedtime in China for a while and in 45 minutes her wakeup for her first flight to the other side of the world and her new home.

The days ahead will be many more firsts for her to meet family, friends, and a wonderful supportive community and we look forward to introducing her to everyone.

The journey home begins...see you soon!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Countdown to home

The days are full and without the things we take for granted everyday, finding formula and diapers can take up a chunk of your day. Guangzhou is a beautiful city, 20 million people and the little neighborhoods have plenty of stores that have been there for hundreds of years, they just don't stock formula for ZiXuan. Last night we ventured out on our assault mission after David spent some time with the boys at the pool and we found an ancient neighborhood, with windy alleyways and the residents selling their wares out in front of their meager homes. It is such a humbling experience to see people live together in communities, many never leave and to do it with patience and grace. It reminds me how thankful I am to belong to our community full of family and friends, and while my neighbors don't sell me chicken feet, live frogs or dish soap I am honored to have a safe place for ZiXuan t return to and begin feel love.

We are getting a late start this morning and will take a trip over to Shamian Island to see the beautiful greenery and visit some of the shops. John David was quite ill last night, it seems to be a sinus infection. With the help of antibiotics, mom and dad loving, a cup of hot tea he woke up starving. Good sign since he spent most of the day in bed.

Thanks to everyone who has offered up baby gear to get us started when we return.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Last night in Zhengzhou, Zixuan leaves her Province on jet plane

This has been quite a week, about the biggest we can remember.  It has been such a change for each of us and our family as a whole.  So much has happened this week here in Zhengzhou, it is a place will will never ever forget.  There is no doubt we will be back someday, but I don't think any of us will have any trouble remembering this place.  Maybe little Zixuan, but that is why we are keeping the travel journal and this blog for her.  It will be fun to share it with her when she is older and tell the story of her family coming to bring her home.

Saturday was a travel day so Friday and Friday night were our last chances to explore a little more. One last big breakfast here at the buffet, the usual happiness for Zixuan.  The girl loves breakfast...

We joined with some of the other wonderful families for a stroll through the large park near the hotel.  The flowers, the trees, and the giant lily pad covered lake are very beautiful and a nice respite from the chaotic Zhengzhou traffic just out the road that borders the park.  We found a little hilltop pagoda with a street performer singing well, well off key,  a plaza with some kiddie rides and bumper cars which all all the boys had to try out. and a giant pigeon house.  Yes pigeons.

In the late afternoon we finally delivered on the promise to the boys to get some american pizza.  Along with another family we made our way one last time down to the shopping area to a Pizza Hut.  Though ordering even pizza is a bit of a challenge, it was nice to have a regular old pizza.  Little missy seems to agree, though we have not found much she does not like, I think the pizza was alright by her.

Early to bed, early to rise, one last breakfast and we jumped on the bus with everyone for the 50 minute ride to the airport.

The usual, process of getting checked and through security, we said goodbye to our lovely guides who have been so wonderful and helpful to everyone here.  They were all so sweet and we will never forget them.  We boarded the plane around lunchtime, so a quick snack was in order and then a hop over to brother's lap to have a look out the window for her first airplane ride.  It was interesting for a bit, but her nap prevailed and she slept until shortly before we landed 2 hours later in Guangzhou.  She did great.

We were fortunate that we came into Guangzhou when we did.  We slid in between some pretty heavy weather that had come through the night before and came in again right behind us.  By the time we had our bags and were boarding the bus into the city it was stormy, humid and raining in sheets.  Pretty in it's way, but so hot and humid.

We got all checked in and quite happy with the spread we have here at the China Hotel.  We were all starving so we had dinner in the executive lounge which we had access to thanks to Marriott points, came back to the room for bath time, a little family playtime and laughs with our little bundle of playful energy, and off to bed to prepare for whatever Guangzhou has in store for us.

Friday, June 20, 2014

ZiXuan continues to amaze us

The days are busy and going by so fast. Yesterday was a BIG day for ZiXuan she started to trust her little feet and where they are at the moment. It is our assumption that in the orphanage she did not cross thresholds. She simply lived  in one room with one type of floor. The carpet here is ornate and  full of both small and very large geometric patterns and soft underfoot. Our entry is marble and  the bathroom has a lip at the door. She has been ok to go from room to room in our arms but yesterday, although apprehensive, she started cruising through doorways and venturing out into the hallways. She is shaking her booty when she walks.

It is very cute to see her world open up. She also took her first bath in a real tub. She won't sit down but will do the Asian squat. Again, it is a very first for her to see her foot under water, she touched her foot a hundred times. With all the firsts, and her world opening up at lightening speed she has a smile on her face and a giggle in her belly. The boys are caring for her with excitement and tenderness. It is a bonus round having them here. David has coined the term S.O.S.  for the two of us jumping back into the kiddie pool of parenting. The S.O.S. acronym means Starting Over Syndrome, pretty funny when we realized around 5 p.m. that we forgot to feed her a real lunch. We received her Chinese passport late last night and today she will fly for the first time. More later, Zixuan is stirring and I need another coffee.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chill Day, Wednesday, June 17

After running for days we decided to have an easy morning.  She is a great sleeper.  She sleeps right through the night.  Our girl woke up and seemed to take it all in and conclude that she was still here with the same room and happy to be here.  We had our coffee and played on the bed with her.  She loves to play.  Right when we were getting hungry enough to leave without our sleeping they walk ready for breakfast.

Breakfast was fun as it has been, we discovered that she loves steamed eggs even more than scrambled...and of course they go down well with a couple of sausages, yogurt, dragon fruit and a pint of two of freshly juiced apples.

We came back up and just had family time with her, we tried some new things with her this morning.  The beach ball is a hit, bubbles are big hit though she is probably still trying to figure out where they go when you touch them. Play-dough ... yeah...not good.  She thinks its food so those of you getting ready to travel to China can leave the Play-dough at home for kids under 2.
Lots more wrestling, and tickling and laughing hysterically and then a little quiet time with her big brother.

She crashed at her usual time but fell asleep on Dad, and we kind of woke her up putting her in her crib so nap time was short today.  We were stir crazy and ready to get out of the room so we struck off for a promised burger for the boys and a stop at Walmart to replace her new squeaky shoes that had a little bow fall Zhengzhou....speaking English....with no receipt because it is the one receipt Dad threw away.  TC said it was worth a try and I laughed, but what the heck.  Off we went to explore.

We stopped at Burger King so the boys could have a Whopper...they loved it as you can imagine.  Then Walmart at the customer service center.  TC has no Mandarin and the girl at the counter had no English and to my knowledge there is no Mandarin-English lingua franca so it was pretty much gesticulation for purchase yesterday and fixee-fixee and TC's patented clap and bow indicating that at least she believes she has made her point, which is pretty cute to watch.

There was no return to be had, but the girl enlisted a couple of her colleagues and a lighter in lieu of a missing or malfunctioning hot glue gun and repaired that little shoe right on the spot.  Good as new!  We gave them very high marks on the customer service satisfaction card.  

Wyatt needed a couple of pictures from the live and partially living fish section to send to his buds back home...

...and we struck out through some local neighbor hoods and alleys seeing what there was to be seen.  Little Xuan just loves being out and about cruising in that stroller...we went for miles and she loves taking it all in.  When the stroller stops she is out and checking everything out...we found a very nice little baby store in a local neighborhood and though we don't know what they were saying she seemed to be a hit with all the girls working in the little place.

We found a great little restaurant row so Mom and Dad could get some local food.  Language issues of course, so pictures and pointing.  The beer part was easy, the food not so much.  The was one dish I though looked like a winner, TC said I was wrong.  I was.  Of the two dishes, what turned out to be liver of some sort with these awesome peppers we've not seen, and lots of chili's and onions.

The other dish nearly killed Dad and Xuan...she was digging into her rice and I guess we used the same spoon to ladle some of the bok choy from the middle of the bowl of this stuff onto her plate.  I had just taken a big bite having no idea it was literally the hottest thing I had ever eaten...the hottest.  I could not breathe.  At the same time little Xuan had gotten a hold of some rice with the sauce and popped it in her mouth....poor little thing.  I know what I was going through and I knew what caused...she did not.  She was trying to wipe her little mouth out and crying until we got some rice and hot tea in her mouth and she was okay, no worse for the wear.  We would make it up to her later.

As it turns out it was stewed pig intestines, which we ate quite a bit and Wyatt tasted, trying to figure out what it was.  So TC was right...I am not allowed to picture order anymore.

On the long walk back to the hotel we had the highlight of the day.  TC ran off from us and and came back with two ice creams cones.  Brilliant!  Xuan looked at this strange thing and tried to take a bite...a little panic because I don't think she has ever had anything cold before and certainly not ice cream.  It freaked her out, but Mama showed her how to lick and she figured it out quick...pure joy.  A little girl enjoying her first ice cream.  We sat there in the crowd videoing it like tourists.   She shared part of the cone with Wyatt and then she took the rest and munched down the rest just cruising in her stroller back to the hotel.

If we figure out how to post a video I will put it up.  It is awesome.  Back to the hotel for Xuan's bath and put her to bed.  The four of us laid down on the bed like we were going to sleep and turned out the lights.  She was out like a light in 5 minutes so we got up and it was bath time for Mom...pool time for Dad and the boys and that was that for chill day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Adoption Day Tuesday, June 17

Today was the day to legally adopt Zi Xuan.  It was going to be a long day, as we were traveling in the afternoon to her birth city of Kaifeng to apply for her passport.  We had an early breakfast, and it would appear that she is just as fond of a buffet as our boys always have been, though she likes a little more variety.  She likes her rice and bean shoots, but boy when she found sausage and scrambled eggs...stand back.  John David and I didn't think 2 or 3 sausages would fit in such a little person, but they do.

After breakfast we loaded up on the bus to go back the Civil Affairs Building.  We were concerned that this might be a little frightening for her going back again.  
She took it in stride and was busy goofing off while we waited.

After a short wait and a brief speech by the Director, we were granted the final adoption decree, she is legally our daughter.  Welcome to the family Zi Xuan.

It's legal...she is now a Mohr
Back on the bus to go to the notary division to get everything signed and notarized for her passport application so she can leave the province to go to Guangzhou for rest of the immigration process.  She seems to love a bus ride, especially if she is sitting on one of her brothers.  On this ride Dad got a turn.

The notary office was hot and stuffy and on the 7th floor of a building with no elevator, fortunately it did not take but an hour, along with photos for her paperwork, we were back on our way to the hotel, for a VERY quick bite to eat.  At 1:30 we left for the 90 minute drive to Kaifeng City, Zi Xuan's hometown and the location of the orphanage where she has grown up for her first 21 months.  We were able to keep her awake to take her nap in the car...which she did like clock work.  

It was pretty cute to hear the boys talking over who got to hold her while she slept on the ride.  After a bit of negotiating with each other, they decided to build her a spot between them.  It got a little bouncy for that and she ended up on John David almost all the way there....because his arms are longer by his reasoning.

They are a crack up.

At the Kaifeng Police Transfer Station, we applied for her passport.  What an experience.  There was a mistake in her file that showed her city of birth as Beijing rather than Kaifeng which we were afraid was going to be a major issue, but our agency worked with them and they were able to get someone to get into the government computer system and straighten the whole thing out form took an extra hour but they got it fixed and we loaded up to go visit her orphanage.

She grew up in the Kaifeng City Social Welfare Institute, in a special wing of a large orphanage and elder care facility on the outskirts of the City.  She was in a special wing which is a pilot program with our agency CCAI here in the States called a Lily Orphan Care Center.  It was a visit that we will be processing for a very long time.  An orphanage is a hard place to visit...even a good one, but we would have not missed it for the world. 

It was so sweet to see John David and Wyatt playing with the children.  Wyatt teaching one sweet little guy how to dribble a basketball and John David pushing a little toy truck for an adorable little boy born without his feet.

We got to meet and thank the nannies, especially her two primary nannies that have cared for here since she arrived at one month old.  We saw her crib where she slept and got some pictures for her.
Her Nanny and her bed.

All of us with her two nannies.
When it was time to go the was no doubt she wanted to go with us.  No tears, just hugs and good bye to a couple of friends at the door of her room,...

and a very sweet goodbye from one of the facility guards at the security door ....she has a lot of personality and they all knew her very well.

We climbed in the van for the long ride back to Zhengzhou which took a couple of hours with the traffic coming back into the city and we played all the way.  Mom and Dad wanted a we grabbed the stroller and headed to the market and T headed off to find us a bite to eat while Dad and the boys went back to the hotel.  FWIW, T came back with some fine looking dishes...the chicken feet that were in the chicken dish were....intriguing.

She had a final snack of an apple before her bath...

Bath is not quite a bath as we would understand it...she is not used to that sort of bath yet but she stood in a couple of inches of water and let me drizzle water over her.  She seemed to like getting the Johnson's baby wash.  We got her diapered up and then it was a traditional Mohr boy pillow fort wrestling before bed.  Pillow forts are gonna be a hit it would seem.

Jammied up, she had a night, night bottle and went right to sleep.  What a long and crazy day...she was a trooper and seems to find fun in everything.

She is amazing.