Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Long Fast Week of Firsts

It is 4 am here in Guangzhou, the calm before the travel storm.  In 2 hours we leave by van for Hong Kong and then begin our flight home.

It has been a long but very busy week with medical appointments, shopping, consulate appointments, fake market shopping, sightseeing, swimming and lots more.

It has been a a week of many firsts for our little girl...too many to list and it will be more fun to share in person with everyone when we get home.  Here's just a few:

First trip to the Pearl Market to get matching pearls for Mom and Zixuan...

First trip to the underground rain-soaked jade market for her wedding bangle...

First nap in the pouring rain in Dad's arms after the shopping gets old...

First afternoon rest with Playskool iPad Mandarin apps with brother...

First dinner at a Mexican restaurant with her little friend Josie....

First medical June...with Christmas decorations in the international travel clinic of the consulate...

First post medical appointment Tiramisu with Dad...

First trip through the Guangzhou Train Station on the way to "Fake Town" for wholesale and knock off shopping.

Second recovery ice cream after a long swampy afternoon/evening in Fake Town.

First swim with Dad...

and her brother the frogman...

First Chicken McNugget party...

First attempt at a group photo for the 12 kids in our adoption group...

First photo op at the Shamian Island sculpture garden...

Last bedtime in China for a while and in 45 minutes her wakeup for her first flight to the other side of the world and her new home.

The days ahead will be many more firsts for her to meet family, friends, and a wonderful supportive community and we look forward to introducing her to everyone.

The journey home begins...see you soon!

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