Sunday, April 26, 2015

We are proud to announce One more Mohr

How do I put into sum up the last 10 months ? So many moments both tender and trying. Time flies by and everyday our girl plays the game of catch up for time lost in the orphanage. She is trying so hard to talk, working on so many new skills and figuring things out.  Cate who is an explorer, a lover and most of all a Daddy's girl. Cate calls David, "Home"-  sweetest compliment for a man who through hard work, faith and determination brought a little girl named, Zi Xuan "home forever." We will never know why, the boys always call him "Dad" and I call him "David", so where does it come from? Maybe it's because  he travels for work, so maybe one too many "Daddy's home" or is it out of love or the quiet whispers in her ear. David telling her she is home, safe and will always have a family. a home with a dog, cat, brothers, food and lots of love. David is "Home" and although Cate is not able to express why, I think it simplifies so many things, she is home, love is home, home is happy, home is reliable and most of all home is where the heart is.

Last September we were given a chance to look at the file of another little girl, Yu Rui. She would be a big sister to Cate since she is 4.5 years old. We struggled with the decision and prayed to find an answer. She has spent her entire life in the same orphanage and initially we had very little information on her, in the initial picture we received she looked so sad . Her file, unlike Cate's was just one page. We talked it over for quite awhile and although it is sometimes difficult to be adding one more to our family, it means there is one less child without a family. We have been blessed to see her blossom with new pictures and video smiling and happy.  Someone within our agency once commented about her giant smile  and that she "was just holding out on us"

Here she is - I will blog and post more photos later this week. Over the moon in love.


  1. She is just adorable and I cannot wait to see her in your arms!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So happy for you all, and I too can't wait to meet her!
