Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday's are BIG BIG Days

As you travel through the world of adoption you meet people you click with, people you stay in contact with from your Gotcha Day (The day you get your child at the civil affairs office in China. With very few exceptions everyone is the Chinese adoption world everyone get their child on Monday. Well today joyful, because a person we click with Jill G got her Isabelle, and the pictures made me tear up just a little. Jill is on the same track just a few weeks behind, she also has been brave enough to take her two of her bio children to China, they are older kids but still kids. Her husband is leaving in just a few days because of work and she will be there on her own with 3 kids, one she just meet this morning. Isabelle is Cate's age and they were buddies at the orphanage. It is our hope to keep the girls in touch. Through faith adoptive families families take a leap than is unimaginable by most people. Adopting a child you have never held is to truly put all your trust in God. I recall going through our process and worrying about so many things. I felt the need to talk to a fellow adoptive family from church. During our conversation we discussed many things but the one piece that stayed with me as I walked away was "Trust in God, he will hold you up when it's too much, he will guide you when you are lost, turn it over to God as you take this journey. I came home and prayed for love and guidance as I answered the call to leave no orphan behind and my prayers were answered. I felt relief after turning it over to God, knowing he would provide exactly what I needed.

Also today was a great day because I finally heard from Lucy,  she has been busy bonding with her sweet Tori also from Cate's orphanage. Lucy is doing great, we were getting a little worried because of the typhoon and all the stressful things that can happen with a new child, but everyone is safe and sound. The photos of Tori with Lucy are just beautiful, you can tell Tori feels safe.

Thats it for now, I will post later about the adventures of Cate as she recoups from her surgery. Although it was a simple procedure it's tough on a little one. More later......

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